Wowza! "Sure, I'll gladly go to that wedding with you." That was not entirely true - because Willow would not go gladly to it, however, as a friend, it was her duty to go, so she was going to do it. "I'm sure he will. You'd better told him I say HI, Evolette." Smirk. Evolette was clearly not particularly happy about her asking for her brothers, and Willow was obviously pleased, and - who were the two intruders?
A boy pushing a trunk, and blonde girl who looked slightly familiar -Willow could not remember why, but it made her think of apparition and ice cream- was talking about Ireland, and then some pants came, attacking the girl and taking the boy seemed to riding them and taking the blonde with him and the pants, and Evolette seemed to know them . .
. . . "Who are these lunatics, Evolette?"
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