As you enter the Arithmancy classroom, you notice Professor Shackleton seated behind her desk, with a rather unhappy expression upon her face. She rubs her temples with her eyes closed, not bothering to open them despite the sounds of students shuffling in. With her eyes still closed, she announces,
"We have a good deal of information to cover this lesson, so I'd like to get started rather quickly. Please everyone file in and open your text books to the chapters on the Soul and Personality Numbers."
Strewn about her desks are dozens of letters and torn open envelopes. A large folder sits open, with photographs of gowns and examples of fabrics piled inside. Opening her eyes, she quickly attempted to neaten the items and then closed the folder, pushing it to the side of her desk and out of her direct vision.
OOC: This lesson is for 1st-3rd years only.