Originally Posted by
masterofmystery "You start shooting “Deathly Hallows” next month. What can you tell us about the script?
NT: I’ve read Part One and it’s brilliant, I wasn’t so sure about the last movie but this one I was like, “Yeah, they got it spot on.” I’m re-reading the book right now. I started having insane dreams again. Whenever I start a Potter film, I get these dreams. The last dream I had I was in a war and the sky was blotted with broomsticks and I couldn’t find my wand. It was so intense. I always have mental, intense, war wizard dreams when I’m doing the films."
Her not being so sure about the last movie? I'm curious if she means DH part 2 or Half Blood Prince, I hope she means Half Blood Prince ....If she means DH part 2 I'ma gonna get worried, fantastic tho that she said it seems they got part 1 spot on.
Good Interview tho, Nat Tena is a cool girl
and I actually liked her mullet from what I saw HBP screenshots