Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Kel watched as Cope rolled over, about to say something. But then he figured it had nothing to do with him - because not everything revolved around Keltan - so he just dropped the thought and looked at Plymm, and actually laughed. "You wanna break into the girl's dormitory?" he asked skeptically, shaking his head. "Or maybe the Gryffindor's?" he seriously thought about the offer to push Plymouth's bed around the room, just for something to take his mind off of everything, but took up the offer to talk instead. "I was being stupid, really." he told Plymm, sitting up and crossing his legs underneath him. "I saw my girlfriend kissing someone else, got upset, and punched him." he said with a sigh.[B] "We got in a fight - me and Gryffindor Wonder Boy - and then Jenn threw up from the site of blood, or something. Oh, and she slapped me. See?"[b] he raised his hand to point to the hand mark that was hopefully faded from his cheek, then continued. I carried her to the hospital wing and I haven't really talked to her since." he shook his head, looking away from Plymouth.
At Plymm's offer to crawl under Kel's bed, Kel remembered something. "Oh, no, I don't have anything under there," he said, taking off his Hogwarts robes and tossing them on the floor at the foot of his bed. "But those," he added, nodding toward the pile of cloth, "Need to be thrown away. I'll do that though." he looked at the things in disgust, pushing back the urge to kick them underneath his bed. He didn't want to forget about them.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |