Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now
"That's a given," she replied immediately, taking possession of his nose between her fingers. Frowning heavily, Daphne scoffed in surprise. She knew Evolette or more like she knew of Evolette. Knew enough in any case. "If you're going out with Evolette McKenna why even consider asking me out?"
The boy was clearly out of his mind; which explained the hat--and the boxers. "Wear jeans," she instructed bossily. "Everyone looks good in jeans and--well, if she likes pink," sighed Daphne in resignation. "Wear a pink shirt. I doubt what you wear really matters," finished the blond with a small laugh.
Honestly, if McKenna had agreed to a date with him there must have been something she saw that she liked, right? Girls didn't just agree to go on dates for fun.
Right? "She'll like you either way just fine."