Canon Niffler || Neville's Yorkshire Pudding | | Teddy's Biographer || P + R = ♥ Inheritance.
16. Dragonhide gloves
“ASHWINDER!” Sirius bellowed. I ran into the dining room.
And there it was, the thin grey serpent, its eyes glowing dangerously at us from under the teak dresser that had belonged to my great grandmother. It had laid fifteen ruby like eggs, which now throbbed with heat, threatening to set the whole cottage on fire. I froze them quickly, but taking no chances I quickly ran for my cauldron and dragon hide gloves. Levitating the eggs into the cauldron, I smiled up at Sirius.
“Well Padfoot, I really am never going to be rid of that revolting dresser, am I?”
Last edited by HannahLongbottom; 07-17-2009 at 10:35 PM.