Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
Hearing her reasoning behind the tears, Kel was silent. Although it was ugly - it was the truth. Well, most of it, at least. She had hurt him. A lot. And he was being nice to her...or at least he was trying. But it wasn't to get on her good side, it wasn't to get her back. It was because he could help it. He wanted to be nice, he wanted to make sure she felt better. As much as he didn't want to, he did. "You're not a monster." he said quietly. That was the part where she'd lied. Sure, she'd hurt him, sure, she'd gone and kissed someone else when she was his girlfriend, but she wasn't a monster. Knowing Jenn, there was a reason behind everything she'd done today - and no matter how much Kel hated it, he couldn't stop it. But he wouldn't let her think she was a monster.
He watched the tears roll down her face, not making an effort to wipe them off, or stop them. His eyes were blank as he followed a tear in it's path past her nose, down the corner of her mouth, and off her chin. He looked away quickly after it disappeared, heaving a silent sigh.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |