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Originally Posted by HannahLongbottom I was just wondering if she had been sorted already for some reason, or if she was going to be sorted with the first years? My little brain was just ticking over.
I really like Rosa, she's got fire in her belly (if that makes sense!)
Have you tried the challenge area? I've strated Drabbling, I haven't written creatively for a long while, so it's been a bit like oiling the cogs. It's a bit addictive! The Snitchseeker 100 - SnitchSeeker.com Ah. Well that was just an assumption on her part mainly, being Slytherin. And the next chapter will have her being sorted so any confusion about her sorting should be cleared up there (so no she has not yet been sorted into a Hogwarts house)
Haha, yeah, that does make sense. The characters that aren't so mary-sue or have weak personalities, and instead have that 'fire in their belly' are the much more interesting characters to read about.
I haven't drabbled before actually. I haven't done any fan fictions in... a year and a half, if not more (I have a tendency to write chapters further ahead in MS Word than my posting speed. My last fan fiction that was completed posting in late March '08 I finished in October 2007 in two weeks, I was so into it ). I guess drabbling would be a great way to get into writing creatively, especially wizarding world-related.
I'll keep in mind I have to try that. Thanks for suggesting it!
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