Haunts the Girls' Loo | Senstitive & Loud
A very subdued moaning and sniffling sound could be heard echoing through the great hall.
The prettiest most popular Ravenclaw ever, the ghostie with the mostie, slooo-ooooo-wwly lifted her head through the table and blinked owlishly.
FROZEN water was nooooooo fuuuuuuuun!
"BoooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooooooHHHHHHhhhhhhooooooooooOooOOOo." Myrtle increased her pitch and volume for good measure.
She wanted attentionnnnn!
__________________ You're always welcome to share my toilet.
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking! |