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Old 07-01-2009, 03:28 AM   #18 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.

Originally Posted by Hermione_loves_Ron View Post
From her station behind the bar, Mozzie could easily hear all the words spoken over there. From the head guy to the goblin to that freakishly cheerfully bitter woman to the Daily Prophet reporter, each word swirled around her as if spoken directly to her.

They were odd. The goblin was understandably rather anti-social and the head man had a peculiar way of speaking and that chirpy girl seemed to have rivlets of bitterness running beneath everything she said, carefully concealed, like a private babbling brook.

They needed drinks, Mozzie decided.

Oh Merlin help them, they needed to loosen up and not be sto stiff! Politics or not, they all seemed to bland and tedious over there. Tutting softly, she popped the top of a butter beer and took a drink.
Gremlok looked down at his drink and shook his head, depositing it onto the table with a soft thump. Looking around he saw the woman who appeared to be the waitress, barkeep whatever and said loudly in his gruff voice, "Do you have any drinks fit for a Goblin?" He asked as he shifted in his seat. "And perhaps a stone chair?" He added. His back was starting to irritate him now and when he got irritated he got annoying.

Very annoying.
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