Originally Posted by
Cassirin Copernicus directed his question at Varius. Erm. What to ask the hyperactive Hufflepuff?
"Tipps, does your organization work for social justice? Do the members have something in common that has to do with their physical form?" Copernicus was smart and would have smart questions that would HURT his head (which he did). "Erm...
no, to the first questions and...
yes to your second one Pernipants."
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana "Varius," Anna said, her hand still in the air. "Is your organization 'S.P.E.W., or the Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare?" Anna had always liked S.P.E.W., as the elves at Hogwarts had always been really loving and helpful creatures.
"I'm sorry Anna, I am not at liberty to say as you only get to ask me two questions OR have one guess and since you have already asked me one question," he turned to face Professor Truebridge to make sure he made the right call?
Originally Posted by
Celandine "V?" Raising her hand, Cela asked, "Is your group one that a witch or wizard can choose to join, I mean, instead of having to be invited or asked?" In other words, was it a non-exclusive club. "And, if someone is part of the organisation you are representing, would it be considered a profession?"
Oh! Celandine! She had nice questions, "
No to both of your questions Mz Cela." He smiled at her warmly, it seemed like ages since the kitchens!