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tex Cy grinned at Emalyn and nodded appreciatively. “They were scared mate, I’ll stick by that. The ‘Claws betta be too.” Of course with Cy on the pitch, ANYONE should be scared. Duh.
So she didn’t know of any butterbeer either. The first year frowned slightly and crossed his arms. “No such thing as a party without buttabeer.” End then, out of no where, a few cases of butterbeer popped out of nowhere.
Well, this WAS the room of requirement.
“WOAH! Did you see thah?” His brown eyes were the size of tennis balls. Maybe he was seeing things, he DID have a large blow to the head earlier. And then gigantic bruise on his forehead proved it. He ran over and grabbed one, instantly popping it open and guzzling down some of the fluid. “Ace!”
How was he feeling, now? Well, he was still slightly dizzy but he was starting to feel better. “I feel great, mate! It’s gonna take a lil’ more than a knock out blow to the head to take ‘The Cyrus’ down.” The Aussie nodded fervently at this proposition.
Emalyn agreed.
"Everyone should fear us badgers. Oh yeah, they'll be scared. 'Specially if you use that paint again." Ema winked. That paint was pretty scary.
"OHH!!" she exclaimed, taking a bottle of butterbeer immediately as soon as they appeared. Yay!
Hmm. Right. He had seemed really out of it, and it had been a bad incident. Not your normal walk-into-the-door-thinking-you've-un-latched-it-already incident. He had taken ice. to. the. head. And she had thought he had almost drowned. And he says it would take a little more than that to take him down? Pfft.
Ema nodded just as fervently as him, convincing him that she agreed once more. It had been more than just a whop. It had been a WHO-OOP-BAM.
"D'you know if any of the rest of the team is coming?"