So, this started out as my first RP. I think that it had a pretty good turn out, but then it just kinda...died. So I thought I'd start it up again, and hopefully it doesn't die
So it's the same thing as before, with just a few minor plot changes
Plot: For this RPG Harry defeated Voldemort in the summer after his sixth year. Now the Trio and Ginny face a new worry: N.E.W.T.S. Ginny was excelling in school, so if she passes her Newts (in her sixth year) she doesnt need to attend school for her seventh year.
Harry and Ginny are now together, but Hermione and Ron too, but they are having trouble. Ron's mind continuously flickers to Lavender, and Hermione's accaisionally strays to Draco. And Harry, being the stubborn, overly-protective person he is, has his mind dead set on the thought that if he and Ginny are together, he'll distract her from her schoolwork - and he doesn't want that to happen.
So with all the drama buzzing around Hogwarts, how will our story end? Happily ever after? Or something...well, not. It's all up to you guys!
(Please just take one character, unless we need more spots filled)
Character list: Harry: Cedric Ron: 10DesmondsDaughter14 Hermione: firebolt85 Ginny: Me - iheartdan Draco: Lily Lupin Lavender: hermione9495 Other Charries: Luna Lovegood - Lily Lupin Parvati Patil - hermione9495 Selina Harper (Ravvie) - Sincerly, Crysta Loreena Shardon (Gryffie) - UnicornDragonPatronus
Steven Rhodes (Gryffie) - UnicornDragonPatronus Cassandra Morgan(Slythie) - prongs1295
Here's the Bio skeleton - feel free to add anything extra you want
Appearance: eyes-
picture- History:
RP color: (I would like everyone to have a different color, please
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