Brain Twin | MASTAH ASHURRII | Reisdent PokeNerd | Digifangirl Issy bounded into the Charms classroom quite happily. Charms, since the day she'd first touched a wand, had been her best skills with magic. Some students did well with Defense Against the Dark Arts, others transfigured quite well. For Issy,it was charms.
As soon as she'd made her way a few steps into the classroom, she stopped. What the... it looked like someone had let loose the First Years with a bunch of quills and ink and sticky charms. Curiously, she blinked and looked around her, eying the ink wells as she made her way towards the center of the room, where Willow was seated. The look of blissful ignorance was just too weird.
Sliding into a seat to Willow's right, Issy nodded at the Professor. "Good day, Professor," she greeted him in a chirpy voice, pulling her rucksack into her lap. "Rather... urm... interesting take, on interior decorating, I see." Then, she turned to her left to address Willow.
"Tell me you're not curious," she stated, arching her brows into her fringe. "There's ink wells stuck all about and you're just sitting here, so nonchalantly." |