Duuuuude....I loooove you guuys
Annd all your graphics Your awesome
Welcome To MM's
even though your both already in a different shop
I'll be editing with a request soon
*Thinks someone Dot will liek this request*
1. What do you want? Siggeh please
2. With these images
3. Text:Umm Im not suuure...You caan pick
4. Size:Small enough to fit 4 lines of size 1 text please
5. Any other specifications? Nooppe Just do you thiiing
Annd could I also have a PP with anyone of those piccies for the sig whichever one you think will be easiest to work with
Umm a biiit Like the Whitney Ashford one Dot made please ?
ThaaaaankYuuur Muuucho <33