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Celandine checked that the handcuffs were fastened properly and nodded absently in agreement at Daphne. "Ridiculous. Sure."
She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a flower, eyeing it for a moment and finally, "Engorgio!" She enlarged the flower. Holding the flower up, Celandine flicked her wand in a smooth arch at the giant flower, "Paraplyo!" She transfigured it into an umbrella and passed it to Daphne to hold over them. It was a spell she'd worked on over the summer, though she hadn't mastered transfiguring an umbrella from different sized items yet, her spell did allow transfiguring almost anything.
"Okay, so, we can try unlocking the handcuffs with alohomora, we can try enlarging the handcuffs if we aim carefully and don't hit out hands, likewise we can reduce the size of our hands a little, we could glisseo our hands and slip them out, we could soften our bones to make that easier too, we could rust the handcuffs until they are brittle enought to break, we could vanish the handcuffs, or at least the chain so that we aren't stuck together. But for starters we should figure out what charms are on them so that we don't set off any traps or anything because from what I can tell," Cela looked around the class, "some of the handcuffs are enchanted so that we will have difficulty. What do you think, Daphne?"
Oh. Flower Umbrella! Holding it over them, Daphne beamed up at Celandine's handy work. "Genius! Pure genius!" She wasn't even aware such a spell existed, and chewed on the inside of her cheek thoughtfully while casting suspicious looks at the Professor.
"I agree. I really doubt the Professor would have made it so simple. I don't believe Alohomora will work. It's such an obvious spell to use." Tapping the handcuffs with her wand twice, Daphne hummed. "I don't like the idea of messing with our bones," murmured the blond Gryffindor not keen on having a wobbly wrist. "I'd suggest vanishing them but I'm sure there's a counter-charm on them just for that. We might end up in a tighter situation than we are now."
Heh. Pun? No? Okay.
"Can we even charm our own wrists? For all I know he could have placed some kind of spell to prevent our hands from changing form--or properties."
Hopefully they wouldn't be forced to cut their hands off. She liked her hands.
Cue Copernicus Kettleburn just when she was trying to be smart. Grinning sardonically at him, she shook her head. "Sorry, Kettleburn. I can't say I do."