No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher
The snow was now coming down harder and the foul water . . . yuck! A blizzard and flooding - in one day. Can I get a break? "EVERYONE - PLEASE EVACUATE THE STADIUM IN AN ORDERLY FASHION AND REPORT BACK TO THE CASTLE!" Vindictus announced as calmly as he possibly could.
And then he noticed one of the Hufflepuff players lying in the cold and mucky water. "Sarah Winchester! Get off the ground before you turn into an ice cube or worse, your captain whacks you with her broom all the way back to the common room!" He looked at the others. "It's only four inches of water! Calm down!"
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Last edited by demented_death_eater; 06-28-2009 at 10:07 PM.
Reason: had to make the command BIGGER :P