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Chris smiled "You lost your calendar? Well here." he pulled out his and then pulled out a piece of parchment. He pointed his wand at the calendar with the homework dates and classes times and copied the information with a spell and then placed it on the parchment. "Here you go. That should work until you find your old one or get a new one."
He then laughed "Not all of it has been turned in yet. I still have to do Herbology and Divination."
She was coming back from Kevin's birthday party but she wasn't heading up to the common room. She felt good and of course she looked good and she had been acting like a hermit for the past couple of months. So why not spend some time outside the common. Even though they lost the Quidditch match she had scored all the goals for Slytherin. That was something to be proud of. And she was proud of her team. They worked hard and did a good job. She should get them all a little present or something.
"Chris," she said happily when she looked up from her magazine she was flipping through.