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Old 06-28-2009, 10:32 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 6,309

Hogwarts RPG Name:
isabella Macmillan
Sixth Year

here's today's post people.....

Yaxley Or No Yaxely?

Back at Hogwarts the tension was increasing as the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match was soon to be held. The hospital wing was soon busing with kids coming with complicated hexes performed and the staff was kept busy by the prefects who kept on sending the students for detentions who broke the rules. Ginny was having a tuff time. Just now she sent the Slytherin beater who did a jelly legs hex along with some complicated rashes on skin and hair raising charm on a bunch of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor students for detention over the weekend that would mean that he wouldn’t be participating in the match. She knew that Yaxely wouldn’t be happy and she didn’t care. She knew she had to be careful when she goes back to her room that night. When he came to know about it in the evening he had blasted her head off in the Great Hall and she coolly replied back before the teachers entered for the dinner. She knew her witty answer wouldn’t have gone down well with the devil.
Sara and Ginny were to study that night at Ginny’s common room. She had to collect her book so she went back to her common room and when she was returning back she had to face Roger!!!

Ginny walked back to her dorm…and then bang a stream of color hit her side and the vase at the side of the door of the common room blasted, she ducked.
“Bloody hell” she turned and saw Yaxely standing, angry with his wand out.
“you idiot…how dare you spoil our team,” he barked.
“well your beater deserved it,” she shouted back with her wand out.
“you better don’t reason out what he deserves and what not!”
“oh yeah, I will. I am the head girl…”
“oh shut up, you don’t deserve to be one. Its just because your blood traitor brother was a prefect and your mudblood lover, lover is famous that you got this position”
“oh, yeah then why are you the head boy? Because your dad is a famous death eater whiling away his time in Azkaban with Malfoy…” she barked again ignoring the mudblood comment but her blood was boiling now…
“you….”he sent another hex but she ducked but her legs gave her away, as it couldn’t take the forceful blow of the hex. Yaxely went up to her kicked her wand out of her hand and pulled her up by her school shirt collar and pinned her forcefully on the wall. She cried in pain. He hissed, “don’t you dare talk about my father like that, blood traitor”
“why? Does that humiliation hurt you more than anything Yaxely!,” she hissed back fighting her pain in the wrists. At that he pinned her with even more force. She whimpered, seeing that he smiled, “does it hurt?” his face was inches apart.
“no, it doesn’t. it is sick. Why don’t you do this to your girlfriend when you guys are making out and she doesn’t listen to you? She might like it,” she spat.
His smile was swept away and his anger even more evident. He held her there on the wall. His face set with anger and evil. He had something going on in his head, Ginny could make it out and that isn’t honestly good, “what is he thinking” she thought and she racked her head to save herself from any kind of blow that would soon come from his side. He continued to hold her and then suddenly his face was attacking hers his mouth just about to injure hers and just in time she kicked him hard right between his legs. He left her wrists in pain and crunched but he couldn’t even scream because just then a red stream hit him and he froze and fell with a loud thud on the floor. Ginny looked at the source for the Body Bind Curse and saw Sara standing there with her wand aloft.
“what the hell…” said Sara and walked towards Ginny, “ACCIO Ginny’s wand,” she flicked and the wand flew right into her hand.
“you alright?” she asked Ginny before she could talk and she just nodded and hugged Sara and thanked her.
“looks like our head boy will need hospital wing,” said Sara as she saw Yaxely crouched but his eyes were bloodshot with pain.
“he will go when he will unfreeze with time,” said Ginny. She glared at him and turned and pulled Sara away from the common room and led her to her bedroom.
Sara was horrified when Ginny told what he was going to do. She didn’t know what to say. She asked if they should tell Harry but Ginny refused but she promised she will let McGonagall know about this incident.

As Sara entered the Gryffindor common room after studying into late midnight she faced Jimmy, he was a prefect and Ginny had told her to be careful with them. Sara froze. She was already shivering with cold.
“what are you doing Sara, roaming at nights?” he asked trying to sound angry and authoritative but couldn’t because his mischievous amusement gave in and she lightened up.
“I am returning from the head girl’s dorm,” she said clearly, “what are you guys doing here?” she asked as she saw the quidditch team sitting there by the fire and warming themselves up. She looked out of the window. It was snowing.
“Quidditch meeting,” said Derek, who was sitting in the shadow.
“oh, carry on,” she said and started to walk when she stopped and turned back them and looked as if she had to say something. They all were looking at her.
“you have anything to say Sara?” asked Demelza and she nodded
“I think you will need to do a bit of changing in your game plan as Yaxely might not be playing this game,” she said coolly.
“what? Yaxely isn’t playing!” asked Jimmy
“well he did something that will make his appearance doubtful,” she said
“he tried to attack Ginny and I think she must have given him good,” said Derek his look as if he predicted what might have happened in the heads common room.
“Good? I think brilliant. I doubt if he will be able to sit on his broom for the next week too,” she said and the members in front of her understood and started laughing and she smiled and Demelza looked amused.
“my, my, my…our head girl is pretty strong. How did she do that?” and Sara filled them in what Ginny told her in the bedroom while they were studying except that she altered Yaxely’s attack a bit. She didn’t want any of the team members to inform Harry about it, at least not until Ginny wanted to.
“wow…that muggle tactic honestly is real good defense,” said Ritchie and the younger team members giggled again.
“ok, guys. I think we will have to do some changes then,” said Demelza. She looked tired and weary. She had given her tests in Transfiguration and Herbology today. The teachers were grinding the OWLs students pretty hard. Had she not retaken the year it would have been easier for her to deal with the team being the captain.
“so what do you think?” asked Derek, “will they be attacking in the first half or lenient?” and Demelza shook her head, “no idea, but being lenient is not in the nature of Slytherins” she said
“Demelza,” said Sara, “see…I think you guys should leave it for today, because we don’t know if he will play or not. I have told you what happened. Let’s wait till tomorrow and then you guys decide. I am sure you will know it before you even reach for your breakfast plate” but Demelza shook her head and tried to think hard on her change in plan. Seeing her stress Ritchie said, “Demi, I think we should wait for another day. Look we all are prepared and even if we change our plan a minute before the game everyone will work nicely. We are confident” and the younger chasers nodded in agreement.
“yes Melly don’t worry, Ginny has already kicked some serious thing and we will do some serious kicking as well no matter when you change the game plan. Ginny is our inspiration,” he said with a smirk and Demelza asked him to shut up which he did obligingly and Sara shook her head and thought, “I think Fred and Gorge would have been the same, saying the same thing as the other but in a different way.”
“ok guys, pack up for today,” she said in a tired voice and the younger team members followed by Derek got up and wished the others good night and left. As Demelza got up Ritchie and Jimmy kissed her on her cheek and wished her and Sara goodnight. But before she let them go she asked them, “what is wrong with my name?”
“Name?” they both chimed in with an innocent look on their face but a twinkle of mischief in their eyes.
“yes my name”
“oh, Demi your name is perfect for you,” said Ritchie and Jimmy nodded in innocent agreement and said, “absolutely Melly”
“here you guys go again…” she whined throwing her hands in air in frustration.
“forget about them Demel,” said Sara and Demelza cocked an eyebrow to hear another nick name and then Sara turned red, Ritchie chuckled and Jimmy winked at her and she smiled.
“never mind,” said Demelza and she left for her dorm.

Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:58 AM. Reason: Some Changes Made
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