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Hehehe, No problem Dh, its a good idea we need to take a break[elizabeth smiles at dh, while sipping a cup of orange juice]
DH nodded and smiled he was so famished that the tardy DH was taking over him. He thought it would be a great idea to have a small Division Party to celebrate the completion of the former task and also to celebrate his being with the Planet Room.
He then took a plate and a hefty amount of bolognese and a cup of orange juice. He took a seat an then looked around to see where are his other employees. He had called for them about 10 minutes ago.
And to his being a worrier, he stood up and flicked his wand and a red sparks came flying in the vast space.
"I hope the others can see that" he said looking at Elizabeth who is a table away from him.
"By the way, how long have you been here at the Planet Room?" he thought to get a small talk with the employees. After all he had only been here about three weeks? And works was his priority that he never had the time to take a closer inspection and talk to his employees.