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Iris looked at the 'wand' again.. Aaron was right, it looked nothing like a wand. But it had at the time. "I guess I was just hurrying to get here that I picked the wrong piece of wood up, Aaron, Because I did see a wand on the floor and when I picked it up, I didn't even chack to see if it was the wand or not." Iris felt really bad, this piece of wood hadn't helped at all. Iris felt really really bad, She looked at Aaron. He looked like he was going to cry. Gosh, Aaron don't start crying. Please. then she got an idea, " do you want me to go back to the broom shed and see if I can find your wand? They won't have tidied it up yet, and if they had, someone would have noticed you wand. hopefully.
Aaron rubbed his eyes to prevent himself from having a mental breakdown. "Yes," he said. "But I want to go with you." He leaned against the chair and pushed himself up. He tried to walk but he tripped. But he quickly regained his balance. He turned back at Iris. "C'mon." He kind of waddled/limped out the door.