woohoo! it's great to hear that... her surname sounds so odd... Poh-ay-see ... hmmm ..
heres a translation of the link :
While Marion Cotillard became the Frenchie's preferred international cinema since his interpretation of Edith Piaf in "La Môme", another French actress indeed risk to steal the spotlight ... Clémence Poésy, which has already had the pleasure of seeing in "Le Grand Meaulnes" or "War and Peace" was chosen to join the cast of the forthcoming "Harry Potter". The young 26-year-old actress will play again "Fleur Delacour, the student branch of the School of Magic" Beaubâtons which will compete for the final tournament of sorcerers. Filming should begin in about ten days. Clémence Poésy is already at work in England. K.M. 
though I'm not sure how well the translater did it's job as it reads oddly...