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Satine was very excited to see Iris...actually really relieved. She gave her a quick hug and watched the nurse with Aaron waiting for her to notice Roma. "I was actually just thinking that..I mean if I hadn't told ya'll to go check on the professors in the broom shed then maybe ya'll would've been in the middle of this and then Aaron..." she trailed off looking at Aaron again...trying to keep the tears back...she wasn't a crier but it had been a long and suspenseful couple of days.
Satine was looking down at the floor feeling bad about getting Aaron injured when she heard the Healer talking to her and she popped her head up with a smile ready for the praise but it soon faded when she heard the rest of the Healer's speech...
What did she just say that I stole Roma....whoa...she thought....trying to make up for things.
"Healer Avalon, I'm sorry I have to admit that I was a little worried as to what you would think." she paused putting her words together properly in her head. "But yesterday I got Roma some treats and a new ball because I knew she was going to be a complete wreck from Mr. Masterson's incident. The whole time we were trying to get him out she whined and howled, so I thought it would make her feel better." she knew she was talking a million miles per hour but she just took one breath and continued on before the Healer could interrupt or Satine could burst into tears remembering the stress of the ordeal. "And while I was playing fetch she gave me the 'please take me to see my owner' puppy dog face." she looked at Roma almost willing her to make it again at Healer Avalon..." and I thought as long as Roma was on a leash it would be okay..." she didn't think that taking the dog without Ms. Masterson's permission really was a big deal because he would forgive all once she saw Roma or atleast she hoped he would.
"So, all in all, I'm really sorry but I really thought it might help you out because I'm sure Mr. Masterson would feel better with her near." she hoped the last statement was good enough for the Healer's forgiveness but she went ahead and continued on looking down at her own hands on Roma's head..."But if I really have caused any problems, please don't take it out on Roma by making me take her back without seeing him, just let me know and I will do whatever it takes to make up for it." just please don't say detention or points off or Satine was going to die...and probably literally...
Iris smiled as Satine hugged her, and she gladly returned the hug.
"Hey, hey! Don't worry about it! If Aaron wasn't there, there might not have been enough people to get the professors out, and they could have been well..." Iris said quickly trailing off.
"He was really brave there, and got the spell right on the second attempt, but it didn't work for any one who tried it on the first attempt, Aaron only got hurt because he was right next to the secret door." Iris then went on to fill Satine in with everything that happened at the .
"...And that's what happened." she concluded.
Iris then listened to what Satine said to Nurse Avalon about the Dog.
Roma, cute name. she thought, as she hoped Satine stayed clear of detentions and point reductions. Iris sighed with relief that Satine didn't lose any points - well not really. Most people would ask why a Slytherin wanted a Ravenclaw to
keep their points, but at that moment, Satine had earnt loads of points - Iris knew, she was keeping tabs on them, like a nerd - and she didn't want Satine to start going downhill.