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Crystal Ball Mariska heard Robert coming from a while away, but she hoped he would just...pass her by because she had no idea what to say to him because of recent events. She willed him away but that obviously wasn't what fate had planned for her. She closed her eyes and sighed when she heard him go skidding and then crash into a wall. She almost didn't want to ask him if he was alright, but...well. She couldn't just leave him there. " Shall I go fetch Healer Avalon for you again?" She spoke calmly as she watched him from where she sat.
Robert swore and sat up his clothes sopping wet as he started to push himself off the ground he felt dizzy and sat back against the wall. "No...lord knows I don't need any more pain killers." He rubbed his head and winced feeling yet another knot starting. "Great." Looking up he saw Mariska sitting at a distance and he sighed. "Sorry to interrupt your...why are you sitting down here by yourself anyway?" He attempted to get up once more then decided better of it. Planting himself against the wall and tilting his head back harder than he thought causing his head to hit the wall again. "Son of a..." he rubbed his head with a grimace and looked at Mari with a weak smile. "Going to need to put me in a giant cast at this rate."