Thread: The Broomshed
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Old 06-22-2009, 04:14 PM   #21 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Default haha... i did'nt realise that you had gone to the hut and back... fool.
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Originally Posted by rubindo View Post
Aaron ran into the Broom shed right after Iris. He was out of breath too, but not as much. "Mr. Masterson- Is locked in his shed- It's flooding- We gotta help." Aaron quickly grabbed a random broom, gave one to Iris, and ran out the door. he quickly mounted his broom and took off. he hovered in the air for a second to make sure Iris got on, too. He then shot off towards the hut at full speed...

How Aaron got out the first time, was a mystery, and he didn't even notice that the broomshed was starting to flood, too. But now that he got back, Aaron could NOT get in. He slammed on the door.

"Hey!!!" he yelled in case anyone was in there. "Is anyone in there okay?!?" Aaron NOW realized what Iris was trying to say. they didn't go to the broomshed before to help Mr. Masterson, there were MORE floods. Very smooth, Aaron. "Someone answer!!!"
Iris looked at the broom that Aaron just gave her. What were they going to do? she could only just fly around calmly with her dad let alone rush off to help someone. Why were they going off when the two professors they were trying to get help from were stuck too. Iris really didn't want to leave, but got on the broom and flew off nervously after Aaron, looking back at the shed, hoping the two professors would get out OK.


Iris came rushing back, seeing as she couldn't help out at the hut. Mr Masterson just couldn't fit through the chimney. Iris was trying to open the door to see if the two professors were there yet when Aaron came flying back.

"Aaron. This is weird, too weird. It's not an accident is it?"
she said to him, trying not to cry. The water was up to the cieling in Mr Masterson's hut, so surely its that high in the professors office too? Isn't one of them really old ? how's he going to manage to get out? No! don't think things like that. stay possitive! So many thoughts were going through her head that she thought she was going to go mental.
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