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Old 06-22-2009, 01:00 AM   #84 (permalink)
Fire Slug
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 163

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Fourth Year

"I'm not sure if the Department Head of Magical Transportation would particularly appreciate that idea," he said, chuckling at Clifford's idea. It was a good one, but wouldn't make them look too good...

"I'm starting to run out of ideas at this point," he said with a small frown on his face. The boy glanced at his parchment one more time, wondering if anyone else in the group had any other ideas. Sure enough, Plymouth had come up with another crazy one. Not only that, but there was also the nickname which he hadn't heard before.

"You're right Plymouth, I'm sure certain men would definitely take advantage of that idea," he said, bemused. "Lawman? That's one I haven't heard before," he added with a snort.

There was a first time for everything...

Originally Posted by Group 1's Piece of Parchment - Lawliet

Reasons to Apparate
  1. in case of emergencies (ie. if someone is hurt)
  2. self defense (ie. if you need to get out of a dangerous situation)
  3. fast transportation (ie. if you're running late to a meeting)
  4. dueling (ie. element of surprise gives you more chances of winning)
  5. side-along apparition (ie. someone is injured and they need to be rushed hospital
  6. rescue (ie. if you get lost)
  7. most convenient (ie. floo network needs floo, flying needs broomstick, etc.)
  8. time alone (ie. "crack and be gone")
  9. side along apparition if underage (ie. easier getting around if you apparate with someone of age)
  10. exploring (ie. discovering new places)
  11. cheap haircuts (ie. splinch hair off)
  12. used in Muggle world (ie. robbing banks???)
  13. getting all the ladies pictures (ie. sneaking up on them)
A part of him couldn't believe that he was actually writing half of this stuff down but he did anyway, and very amused while doing so.
The opposite of love isn't hate, it's ignorance.

Last edited by Lawliet; 06-22-2009 at 01:07 AM.
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