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Iris ran all the way to the quidditch pitch slightly drier now, but still very muddy on her back, and didn't stop at all until she reached the broom shed. Iris was suprised to see the Gryffindor prefect and a Hufflepuff stood there. Panting, and trying to catch some breath back she ran up to them and said, "Is- Professors- vindictus and - Kazi got- out yet? Because The professor- who is- at Mr- Masterson's hut - with Anna - could really - do with help- 'cause the water - is nearly- at Mr Masterson's - neck!" Iris got her breath back quite quickly after saying this, though she was still very scared now that three professors were in danger as far as they knew. Why weren't there more professors here helping out? surely they care about they're fellow professors?
Aaron ran into the Broom shed right after Iris. He was out of breath too, but not as much. "Mr. Masterson- Is locked in his shed- It's flooding- We gotta help." Aaron quickly grabbed a random broom, gave one to Iris, and ran out the door. he quickly mounted his broom and took off. he hovered in the air for a second to make sure Iris got on, too. He then shot off towards the hut at full speed...
How Aaron got out the first time, was a mystery, and he didn't even notice that the broomshed was starting to flood, too. But now that he got back, Aaron could NOT get in. He slammed on the door.
"Hey!!!" he yelled in case anyone was in there. "Is anyone in there okay?!?" Aaron NOW realized what Iris was trying to say. they didn't go to the broomshed before to help Mr. Masterson, there were MORE floods.
Very smooth, Aaron. "Someone answer!!!"