Thread: Front Desk
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Old 06-21-2009, 04:03 PM   #28 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Monkey Princess View Post
William perked up immediately upon hearing her voice. "I've been fine Ma'am. Bit worried over somethings though. Just normal 12 year old stuff." he joked grinning as he stared at her. "I'm actually looking for a book to read. Any suggestions for someone who's interested in Charm work?" He asked, knowing she'd know exactly which book to suggest.
Madame Kohan smiled in William's direction as he answered her question. "Well I certainly hope that things work out for you, William."

Before she could give a suggestion, however, she had to stop short to address the young Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by nimbus1991 View Post
Lucas was starting to panic when he saw the Librarian speak from behind the desk. He took a huge sigh of relief.

"There's a boy on this floor besides the tapestry who needs attention. He's not feeling good." He said to her hastily. He wasn't sure she'd gotten him or not but this was as short he could make it.
Oh..kay. She thought she understood that. Boy..tapestry..attention..not feeling good.

Well, obviously this was a job for Caroline but it wouldn't hurt to quickly assess the boy herself while sending someone to retrieve Caroline. "Why don't you lead the way?" She offered as she came to stand by the boy. "Can either of you alert Caroline to this?" She directed the question/statements towards her fellow staff member and William.

"Come now, young man. We'll figure out what seems to be the problem."
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