Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Will wandered out to the lake in a dream, humming softly to herself as she walked along in her little pale pink ballet shoes. She paused when she unexpectedly came to the cliff and became aware of her surroundings again. She sat, dangling her legs over the edge and gazed out onto the open water wondering where the squid was.
She'd read about giant squids in a muggle book her dad had given her about ocean life – apparently, they were the largest invertebrate known to Muggle man and could grow up to 43 feet! That's like... massive! She had yet to see Mr Bartholomew himself, but she was sure none of the ones she had read about were quite as big as the him.. even though some were humongous. She had also heard that the squid could talk and wanted to find out if that was true. She sat and pondered what he would wish to converse about with a smaller than average human being - the weather; how cold the water is; those pesky merpeople with their inane non-stop-singing; ... or the latest Weird Sister's record perhaps. hmmm...
She leaned forward to look at a shoal of small silvery fish swimming just under where she was sitting and giggled at them as they came to the surface, their little mouths bobbing away. She cocked her head to the side as she watched them. Was this a salt water lake? She would taste it... but she wasn't sure what else lurked beneath it's surface other than squids, fish and merpeople. Maybe she'd come back here with a net tomorrow and examine some of the life in the shallows. Her dad would be mega pleased if she started writing notes for him on the life in this lake.
She sighed contentedly, looking away from the fish and found herself drifting off into another daydream as she gazed towards the horizon. |