Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Panicked expression on her face, Anna turned from the door at the sound of Satine's voice. "Satine! I...I'm not really sure! Lyra and I were just walking along, and...and.." Anna shot both girls a worried expression, then turned back to the door. She pulled and pushed at the handle, trying to get the door to give way in either direction. What in Merlin's name was going on in there? A thousand scenarios ran through Anna's head... "Lyra! Check the windows! Can you see anything?" she asked.
"No, no! Alohomora doesn't work! This castle has freaky things happen to it, I tell ya! It's jinxed! Jinxed!" she called out in frustration. "Ohhh, what if he's being attacked? What then?" Anna glanced from the door to the castle, contemplating if she should run and get some help. Ohh, what to do? What to do?
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