Thread: Front Desk
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Old 06-21-2009, 01:33 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Madame Kohan nodded in agreement with Sarah's mention of material things being replaced. "Quite right." She spoke before adding a quick 'thank you' before the girl ran off to complete the task.

Originally Posted by Monkey Princess View Post
the library was nearly silent as William walked in, blue eyes drooping slightly from lack of chocolate. He needed someone to talk to, someone he could trust. and he trusted Madame Kohan the most out of all the faculty at Hogwarts. It was something he had figured out over the last few months, if he had a problem, who else better to turn to than the one person who almost knew everything? Smiling slightly he walked up to the front desk and bounced on his feet.

"Hello Madame!" He said happily, his mood lightening already.
As a voice piped up nearby, Angela glanced in that direction. "Ah, William!" She greeted with a smile. "The young Ravenclaw, like his cousin Ariana who had graduated previously, was really a joy to speak to. "How have you been, William?"

Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"Hello... Angela. I might end up bringing more of my books up here if the flooding continues." Ethan made a slightly mournful face, he was definitely worried over his books. "In any case, these are the books I was talking about, I'm not sure that they'd all be appropriate and certainly some would be better suited to the restricted section, but I assume you won't mind sorting through them? Perhaps even enjoy it?" He flicked his wand and let the box gently come to rest on the desk. "Are they alright here?"
Angela frowned again as Ethan brought up the flooding. "Yes..the Slytherin common room and then the Hufflepuff common room. This is all rather disheartening. There have been no injuries as far as we know, have there?" She inquired, mentally reminding herself to get out of the library more often so that she could keep up around the school.

"Yes..that is perfectly fine. Thank you Ethan. I'll be sure to sort through them and place them into their proper places. I believe the books will make a fine contribution to the library." She peeked inside the box, reading the title of the topmost book. 'Ailments and their Cures." Wonderful! This could go in the Career section of the library for those students who were interested in the art of Healing.

Originally Posted by nimbus1991 View Post
Lucas ran into the library. He knew that most of the people would be staring at him but this was an emergency. He needed to talk to any official and this was the first and the closest place e could think of where e'd find someone. Well e could atleast find the Librarian. Where could she be? He was starting to get worried.

"Hey can I talk to the Librarian please." He said to everyone hoping that someone would tell him where she was so that she could tell her. That boy was in need of some immediate attention.
"What do you need, young man?" Angela asked as a young Gryffindor ran up to the desk. He seemed harried, as though he had run from someplace else. Had something happened? Another flooding? The thought alarmed her and she stepped from behind the desk just in case she needed to quickly leave.

As she did so, she glanced toward Ethan. At least there were two professors here; that would hopefully make things easier to contain.
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