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"It belongs to me," Jake choked out. There, couldn't argue with that, could he? It was true... right? And... there was the fact that Lawson was actually right, but Jake didn't want to admit that. He had no problems usually... just... it was LAWSON! Jake couldn't remember disliking a professor this much, except Bunbury, and that was before he'd spoken to her... then she turned out okay. Hmmmmmm... ideas... ideas.
But... who would he speak to? Honestly... well, Professor Morgan was the first person that sprang to mind, but she'd seemed so distant lately and he was already having to spend alot of time down there, along with her just outright worrying about him... he didn't want to add to that.
Though he would be telling her about this.
Who else? Shackleton? No... no... she scared him after that little chat they'd had about his detentions. He didn't want her to know about any of this. So... who else did he speak to? Truebridge? Hmmm... as much as Jake liked the man, he'd never really spoken to him, and he was ultimately apprehensive about talking like this... even after that detention.
So... who? Kazi? Maybe... but, no. Jake was, once again, having to spend alot of time with him. Like, every evening... GROAN! But, really, out of the teachers he could think of, that left just one.
The one down there. Lawson. Maybe... maybe Jake thought he was alright? He usually played up for the people he thought were okay, so he didn't like them. Defence mechanisms and all that. But maybe, maybe after the christmas holidays when his dad had sorted out the potions he was meant to take, maybe he'd be calm enough to sit and talk properly. Truthfully. And... he wouldn't get angry.
"Can't I talk to you?" Jake asked, speaking quite quietly and looking forlornly down at the broken fragments of his wand.
Watching Jake, as he hung from the ceiling, Marcus felt a twinge of guilt for putting him up there in the first place. It was obvious from the amount of time it was taking Jake, to figure out who he wanted to talk to, that he must not have anyone he feels comfortable with.
As he stood beneath the young boy, an idea was forming in his mind and the more he thought on it, the more it seemed like a good idea. The only problem was being able to get Jake to go there.
But it seemed that problem was solved when Jake, finally spoke up and Marcus could not help but look at him surprised. "Of course you can Jake, I would like very much if you would talk to me." He moved out from underneath the Hufflepuff and pointed his wand at him. "I'm going to let you down now Jake and then how about we head down to Hogsmeade for a good talk?" He gave his wand a flick and brought Jake, gently back to the floor.