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Chris laughed as he saw Rachel's face turn to a slight smile. "So me getting in trouble amuses you?" he teased. He was happy she was acting in a little better mood. "But yeah it does suck that we lost the points but I was so happy we didnt have to do a detention." he said shking his head. "Im sooo glad."
"No, no, I'm sorry. It's just an amusing story... Of course, I didn't mean anything by it - I'm terribly sorry," Rachel said quickly, feeling even lamer than she sounded. Oh MERLIN! This whole thing just HAD to stop - if she didn't go to Reid soon, she would go even crazier than what she was now. Plus, her grades would begin to slip - and if there was something she would NOT let happen, it was precisely that.
"I.. I can imagine," she nodded with a smile, pushing her thoughts to the back of her head. The fifth year suddenly realised that her discussion with Chris about his troubles were over, and she quickly sifted through her mind in search for a safe subject that they could talk about.
Erm... "Did you know that I live only a few buildings down, really close to Honeydukes?" she blurted out with a satisfied smile.