Wonky Knee Sabrina had walked up to the sandbox with great determination about a quarter of an hour ago. She was going to make a sandcastle, without magic. That was right. Ever since she had discovered this place, Sabrina had visited it whenever she could, and tried, with little success, to make a sandcastle without magic. This time, bored as she was, she had decided that she would not move until she had finished her castle, since she was sure she would finish it.
In fifteen minutes, she'd had no luck.
The tiny blonde sat in the middle of the 'box', her clothes covered in sand, with a pout on her face. Finfteen minutes, and all she had achieved was frustration. "Aaaaaaargh!" She growled at it, as though doing so would make the sand behave. If she had expected that it would, she was disappointed.
Impulsively, she punched the little castle she had managed to build, then horrified, she started again. |