♥ Honeybee's puppy I B&B forever ♥
Astronomy. An attraction to Alice, always. Not only just to see the stars by laying on her back and watching the sky but to know about the celestial system. Her father taught her some, like how to idendity the plantes by their shapes and glowing and also some huge stars. But very few. But this time bit different. Some experiments. Interesing.
She rubbed her hands together getting excited. Alice grinned as she took a glance inside the lab. There were very few students. Without taking morethan few seconds, her eyes were on him. Fyo. Her Lion. Alice's face was lighting up immediately. Hehe. She grabbed a pair of glouses before gave a nice smile to the Professor. She took the ingredients before read the instruction on the board and made her way to sit next to Fyo.
Following the strict rules of the class, she did control her urge to talk to him but knew Fyo could read her silent words. Dont you Lion?! She smiled at him Where have you been? I miss you Prince.
as she put the gloves on and readying to start the work.
As being happy for sitting and attending class beside him, Alice opened up the garbage bag. A good wand work. She made a liner on her cauldron or mixing bowl. Umm..next step. Water. Aguament!, The easy spell filled the measuring cup. She poured the required amount of water and eyeing on Sand. Sand.
She looked up at him Sand Monster, smiled as she added sand into the bow and started stirring.
Stirring..stirring..kept stirring as if it was her favourite game. Once she got satisfied with stirring, before added ammonia..Yuck.. What a horrible smell! She had to close her nose by her free hand as she kept working on her mixing bowl with four ingrdients. Garbage liner, Water, Sand and ammonia. Well what next? Add dash of organic material stirring until well mixed. What's organic material?! Alice had to check out first. She finally found that it was an syrup. She had not taking risk of smelling it. She added the amount of organic material and stirred well. It was not that much difficult to mix it well. Place dry ice in 3 garbage bags that have been place inside each other.
Aw..the difficult part is ahead. She made sure that she was wearing the protective gloveses on already. She pulled out the three gargabe bags and what to do? Place the dry ice in a bag first then it had been put into other two bags safely, ready to break.
Ha the hammer thing. Order. Order. Well not that type of wooden hammer. Bang Bang Bang! Gah. It seems difficult to break. She looked at Fyo who had been working on his comet very sincerely. She grinned and hitting hard on the dry ice. Finally ..Wow..she did it.
She sighed happily and added the crushed ice into the mixing bowl along with other ingredients.
Final step. Final step. Keep stirring..
She started stirring on that peculiar mixture carefully not to spill or something around the bowl. She was brilliant on this that doing things neatly, always. After all she was a girl and so responsible. Didn't she? Well..after stirring the mixture for quite a good amount of time and when the mixture was coming to a frozed state, Alice lift the comet from the bowl and placed it inside the plastic bag, and rolling it by her hands like a smooth and well-shapped snowball. Sandball?! Haha..whatever it is, the shape looked like rounded and nearly perfect. Haha.
She slowly unwraped it and placed it on the paper plate. Her first astronomy experiment in Hogwarts was Success. Hundred percent. More or less. Doesnt matter. She beamed at her own creation of the perfect Comet before smiled at Fyo who was finished up and looking at hers. She pulled off her gloves and feeling triumphant.
Yay. Yay! Done! Lalalala..The young Hufflepuff was excited.
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