The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. For whatever reason William found himself walking slowly along the forth floor corridor, his feet shuffling along at the leisurely pace as his head bobbed to music no one else could hear. Goldie his tarantulla was safe in his pocket tucked beside the chocolate frogs he kept in them at all times. In case of emergency of course. Looking up he continued walking and hummed the theme song of Star Trek the only TV show he watched at home. he still had to thank his mother for actually buying that television for him.
fionishing his song he glanced up and nearly jumped out of his skin as he heard a shout. His eyes widened and he automatically took out his wand and held it at the ready before calming himself down. it almost sounded like Katie, though she couldn't be near this corridor could she? Nah, she was probably wandering off somewhere. Shrugging he walked towards the sound of her voice his blue eyes soft now as he put his wand away and leaned against the wall a few feet from her and someone who looked oddly familiar. Someone he'd seen only during the summer, except for last term.
"Sammy?" He asked curiously as he kicked off the wall and walked up to Katie grinning at her before turning back to the girl he could swear was Sammy. "Hey Katie." he added, tilting his head at her as she practically bounced over to the older Gryffindor.
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |