Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco
Lucy nodded her head, thinking that having the Three Broomsticks as there kitchen was a good idea. She looked at Beezley and brought out the phial Professor Morgan had given her. "Here Beezley, take this before you fall asleep." She said holding the phial out.
She stood up from her seat on the floor next to the house elves and walked over to the door. "I think I'll get going now. I've got homework and studying to do for O.W.Ls" She said playfully rolling her eyes and smiling. "But I'll come back later to see how the elves are doing maybe." She said opening the door. "Bye." She said cheerfully, closing the door behind her.
Lucy sighed and smiled to herself as she began walking up the pathway. All and all, the visit had gone pretty well in her opinion. She reached the castle and went inside ready to start the never ending pile of homework.