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Iliana crouched down, and hugged the shivering little house-elf. "Oh Beezley, let's get you warm." She said, conjuring a second little bed next to the first. Before stowing away her wand, she gave it another swish and several warm, fluffy blankets appeared. "Why don't you lay down, dear. We'll have you feeling better in no time." She said with an unwavering confidence. "And Beezley, I would never let you go homeless. You and Argyle will stay here with me."
A tiny, barely able to seen tear trickled down Beezley's cheek as Mistress crouched down and hugged her. Beezley had never seen the castle or the kitchens in such a state, and it saddened her so. Later on, when no one was around, Beezley thought she just might go sit in a dark corner somewhere and have a good, long, heartwrenching sob. Beezley needed a good sob right about now. Ooohhhh, how Beezley needed that sob.
Beezley would usually be the one to refuse such a bed, but Beezley wasn't feeling well, and she needed that little bed. With a little elfish yawn, she curtsied out of thanks and then headed over to her little bed. By the time she was done curling up, she was the size of a little quaffle all curled up under the blanket. "Beezley loves Mistress. Beezley sleep now, though," she said.
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Lucy looks around towards the elves as she hears one of them...uh...letting it out. "Tinka? Is that another one of the house elf?" Lucy asked taking her wand out and pointing it at the contents of the bucket. "Evanesco." She turns to Beezley and asks, "How are you feeling Beezley?"
"Sleepy, young mistress. Sleepy...."
...and that was all the little elf said before her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep. Hopefully...and just maybe...she'd have happy dreams about spatulas, trays, and chocolate chip cookies.