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"We would like to know if there's a book with hair color changing charms?" Jule asked.
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"I want to change my hair colour and I am looking for a book with the spell in it" she smiled at the librarian.
Madame Kohan looked thoughtful for a moment as the two girls requested a book containing a spell to change hair color. 'You may want to try 'All You Wanted to Know about Fashion' and 'Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder' Both are found on this first level..second set of bookshelves."
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Ethan levitated a large box in front of him. It practically overflowed with books of all shapes and sizes. He'd acquired them over the summer and they were surpluss to his needs. He'd mentioned that he'd donate them and so he was bringing them up for Madame Kohan to examine.
As the next person in line stepped up, a look of surprise flitted across Angela's face. It wasn't often that she had visits from other staff. "Why hello Ethan." She greeted with a warm smile, her gaze taking in the large box that was filled to the top with books. Ah! These must be the books he had spoken about donating in the staff meeting held before term had started. Wonderful!
"Found a bit of time to come by?" She could understand that it could be near insane busy for most of the professors trying to keep up with classes and homework and such.
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Sarah wandered slowly up to the library's front desk.She just needed something to do,something to occupy her mind for a while.
Clearing her throat,she then smiled at the librarian. "Hello Madame Kohan,I'm Sarah Griffin.I was wondering if you needed any help in the library today? I just need to do something to take my mind off the fact the Huffie common room flooded....with all my stuff in it." She stood,shuffling one of her feet about on the floor,trying to rub a mark out of the wood.She'd already owled to her parents asking for fresh clothes as they couldn't go and get theirs from the dorm.Now she just wanted to be useful to someone.
"Hello Sarah." She greeted. Oh goodness! The Hufflepuff common room had flooded as well?! What was going on here? Where was this water coming from? "Ah..well.." She looked around with a slight frown, trying to see if something caught her eye.
"Actually, you can. If you can go around the library and look for books that are on desks, chairs, or other surfaces that have not been put back on their shelves..and bring them back here to this cart, I would greatly appreciate it." She finished, throwing a look towards Ethan wondering if he knew about the second flooding. "I am very sorry that you lost your belongings." She added sympathetically as her mind worked furiously over the implications of such. The common room was on the kitchen level. Had the kitchen been flooded as well? If so, what had happened to the elves?