Theme 16 - Dragonhide gloves ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Dragon Bits – III Theme 16: Dragonhide gloves Four days later.
His birthday! Fyo hardly found time to cut the cake, he was so enthusiastic about the pile of SHINY! – not to mention colourful – presents eagerly [he liked to suppose] awaiting him in the other room.
“Here you go,” Xyntheshia said, calling him over.
“It had better be a dragon bit,” Fyo replied, as she handed him a beautifully-wrapped, red-and-gold box.
“It is,” Xyntheshia responded cheerfully. “Go on, open it.”
YAY! Too happy for words, Fyo pulled off the wrapping with amazing speed, quickly opening the box to find –
– A pair of golden, dragonhide gloves.