Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name: isabella Macmillan Sixth Year |
hey here is today's post... New Jobs, New Problems...
Next day as Sara came to the Hall after sending her post to Rosmerta through a school owl Ginny was all smiling
“hey morning,” said Sara
“morning Sara, guess what” she said
“what?” and Ginny waved a letter on Sara’s face. Sara took the letter from her hand and read it. It was Harry’s letter to Ginny saying that he and Hermione, Ron have passed their complementary exam and that the Auror department are ready to take Harry for 3 years training and Hermione too will be starting her work at ministry at department of Magical Creatures.
“that’s wonderful, Ginny. When did you get this letter?” asked Sara
“Pig came just now,” she said taking the letter back from her and tucking it safely in her robes. The time passed by and then came in the evening and Ginny and Sara once again left for some touring of the castle. They first went to the quidditch ground where they found students flying here and there. Later they stopped at the lake and then turned towards Hagrid’s hut. Hagrid’s hut was unfortunately empty so they had to return back early then usual.
Back in the Burrow a week after Ginny and Sara left Harry, Ron and Hermione were having their breakfast. Hermione was reading the weekend’s newspaper which had the trio’s independent pictures walking down the different parts of Diagon Alley and the lane leading to the Ministry Of Magic with their robes swishing against their ankles, their hair ruffling against the breeze and their bags on their shoulders were stylishly hung over. It gave a look as if some famous muggle movie stars were walking to their sets to get ready for their shoots. Their pictures were in the front page of the Daily Prophet and the caption below was: The famous Hogwarts trio Ronald Weasley (left), Harry Potter(middle) and Hermione Granger (right) were walking down in the Diagon Alley and Ministry Of Magic, London respectively early on Friday morning.
And below that another article regarding them was written: No Longer Hogwarts Rebels, But Responsible Adult Witch and Wizards
It is confirmed that the trio(above) are not returning back to Hogwarts but have moved on to get jobs for themselves by passing the Advanced Complementary Exam(ACE) given by the Department of Magical Education and Hogwarts. Harry Potter has started attending his three years training course for Auror, Hermione Granger is reported to work in the Department Of Care Of Magical Creatures and Ronald Weasley has joined hands with his brother Gorge Weasley to mint money with their Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes.
Hermione kept the paper aside and shook her head and muttered ‘mint money’
“Harry um… you haven’t been stalked by Prophet Reporters, have you?” asked Hermione as she was buttering her toast and Harry nodded gulping his bacon.
“yes” said Harry nodding his head.
“about the horcruxes or about you and Ginny?” she asked
“right now they are busy stalking me about how Voldemort was killed,” he said
“and what did you say?” interjected Ron
“I have said that I can’t delve in any sort of details as the information is confidential.”
“so you are keeping your stance, aren’t you?”
“you guys haven’t been chased by them, have you?”
“equally, mate, equally being chased. Look at this,” said Ron shaking his head and showing Harry the newspaper which Hermione kept aside. Harry took the news paper while he was busy drinking his tea.
“Gorge is having a hard time too and now that I have joined him in the shop they are following me everywhere asking why haven’t I taken any Ministry job seeing my credentials as your friend and as one of the trio who helped the down fall of Lord Voldemort,” he said rolling his eyes.
“they have been following me like paparazzi following a movie celebrity, honestly. Mr. Diggory is having a hard time pushing these people away from his department and I am left feeling embarrassed,” said Hermione and Ron looked at her as if she spoke Spanish and tried to mouth the word ‘paparazzi’ with great difficulty.
“honestly this looks so funny,” said Harry
“I mean look at the way they have taken this picture. It reminds me of movie star pictures that I used find in the magazine of living room of Privet Drive,” he said looking amused.
“we have to make them stop this Harry or else I will soon loose my head,” said Ron
“this is just the beginning Ron. Have patience. You will have to face a lot more. We are right now under constant media scrutiny. We have to be careful on whatever we do. People will know about us more then we will tell them. Have you seen the way people come up to us and talk and shake hands even when we are just on a walk in the Alley? They like us. We have to be good to them. We can’t behave rudely to anyone.” said Hermione
“you better not loose your head and do something stupid or else that will catch everyone’s attention and it will become a huge publicity drama,” she continued
“I am not talking about being rude to anyone Mione, but just the reporters. They really are huge pain in the,” said Ron but stopped and watched Hermione glare
“what I meant they are huge pain in the neck!” he said
“Ron listen, I know this really hard but we need to be calm. If things go out of hand then maybe we will stop them but till then we have to be our normal selves and behave as if nothing much has changed in our lives because of this constant media attention.”
“yes mate. I think Hermione is right. We have to careful or else the next time something like this will be in the Prophet: After the famous Boy Who Lived Harry Potter was captured by our camera man having an intimate time with his best buddy’s sister Ginerva Weasley on platform 9 and three quarter , Ronald Weasley the buddy himself has seemed to have gone over board with his display of hatred for the Daily Prophet reporters that he threw dung bombs at them when they came in to pay him a visit to ask him about his reluctance in joining the Ministry and about his current relationship with his long time best buddy Hermione Granger who herself works at the Ministry. ”
“very funny Harry, very funny. But I would rather wish to throw Peruvian powder on their faces and run away from them before they even get to know that I did that. I don’t want them to meddle with any of my private and personal matters regarding my family,” said Ron sourly
“aww…Ron don’t be so rough on them,” said Hermione rubbing his arm and he just gave a faint smile and Harry just rolled his eyes and snorted.
“Morning kids,” said Mr. Weasley. He woke up late that Saturday.
He whistled as he saw the trio’s pictures on the front page of the Daily Prophet
“Merlin’s beard I am going to have a hard time seeing my kids smiling and frowning back at me from the Daily Prophet,” he said as he sat down to read the article below.
“so looks like entire world knows that Gorge and you are minting money, son,” said Arthur lightly.
“dad, please…I am having horrible time with these people around me. Now you don’t start discussing these articles about me, Harry and Hermione,” whined Ron and got up to wash his dish.
“and moreover dad you were going to guillotine that camera man for taking Ginny’s and Harry’s picture but looks like you have had a change of mind,” he said and Mr. Weasley shrugged and said, “well I am still waiting a chance on laying my hands on that ,” he trailed off as he saw Hermione’s eyebrow arching at him questioningly and threateningly that he ate his words, “that, that moron,” finished Arthur looking back in the paper. Ron and Harry who noticed the hesitation laughed out aloud.
“dad, ain’t she like mum,” he said and kissed her hair and put the dish towel on her head which she threw at him back giggling.
“yeah, no doubt she is a good girlfriend for you. Taking care of your language as well as your moods like Molly does for me,” he said looking at her appreciatively and she went red.
“that eyebrow cocking thing that you did right now Hermione well that is pretty different then Molly’s glaring but it has equal affect,” he said nodding in acceptance and she went into deeper shade of red that Harry and Ron couldn’t help but bursting out into laughter.
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:24 AM.
Reason: Some Changes Made