Abby walks into the observatory ready to work. She reads the board and waves at Professor Forrester. Abby finds herself a seat and examines what is on her table. Quote:
Originally Posted by items on the table
2 cups water
2 cups dry ice
2 spoonfuls of sand or dirt
a dash of ammonia
a dash of organic material - dark corn syrup (or Coke if you want to do this at home)
an ice chest (keep the dry ice in)
a large mixing bowl
work gloves
4 medium - sized plastic garbage bags
a hammer (break up the dry ice)
a wooden spoon
paper towels
paper plate
Abby can't imagine how these ingredients fit into Astronomy. She looks at the blackboard for instructions. Quote:
Originally Posted by Board
NO TALKING! Come in, and get to work.
Instructions for the Lab itself:
1. 1. Cut open one garbage bag and use it to line your mixing bowl.
2. 2. Place water in mixing bowl.
3. 3. Add sand or dirt, stirring well.
4. 4. Add dash of ammonia.
5. 5. Add dash of organic material stirring until well mixed.
6. 6. Place dry ice in 3 garbage bags that have been place inside each other.
Be sure to wear gloves while handling dry ice to keep from being burned. - If I find someone NOT using the work gloves, they will immediately lose 15 House Points and be put into detention. Even if they burn themselves by not using the gloves, punishment will STILL be given.
1. 7. Crush dry ice by pounding it with a hammer.
2. 8. Add the dry ice to the rest of the ingredients in the mixing bowl while stirring vigorously.
3. 9. Continue stirring until mixture is almost totally frozen.
4. 10. Use gloves - Lift the comet out of the bowl using the plastic bag and shape it as you would a snowball.
5. 11. Unwrap the comet as soon as it is frozen sufficiently to hold its shape.
6. 12. Place the comet on a paper plate.
Abby reads the intructions. Oooh, I'm going to make my own comet. This should be fun. She puts on her googles. Abby then finds the mixing bowl, the work gloves, and the plastic bag. She takes out her wand and performs a severing charm on the plastic bag. When it's opened up, Abby places it in the mixing bowl. She then rereads the instructions. Abby pours the two cups of water in the bowl. She then finds the bowl of sand and adds two spoonfuls to the water. Abby puts on the gloves and adds a dash of amonia. She puts the cap back on the amonia, then finds the corn syrup. Abby opens the bottle, pours a dash in the mixing bowl, and closes the bottle. She finds the spoon and mixed everything until it's well blended. Abby looks at the blackboard again. She moves the mixing bowl to one side. Abby makes sure the three bags are inside each other. She puts some of the dry ice in the bags. Using the hammer, she crushes the ice vigorously. When it's all crushed, Abby adds some more ice to the bag. She continues to do this until all the dry ice is crushed. Abby gets the mixing bowl and adds the dry ice. She starts stirring vigorously. The ice is slow to freeze, so Abby continues stirring and stirring. Finally the mixture begins to freeze. She continues to stir. When the mixture is almost solid, Abby put her spoon down, and collects the sides of the plastic bag. When the bag is closed, she takes it out the bowl. Abby puts the bowl to one side and ties the bag closed. She then rolls the bag in her hands. It starts to take the shape of a snow ball. Abby continues to work with it until the ball is perfectly round. While Abby holds the bag in her left hand, she grabs a paper plate. Abby places the plate near the bag. She points her wand at the top of the bag. Abby performs a severing charm to open the bag. She then sticks her hands in and removes her comet. She puts it on the paper plate. Abby places the paper plate to the front of the table. She puts the dry ice she didn't use back into the ice chest. She then makes sure all the bottles have been closed properly. Abby throws the plastic bag in the garbage can, cleans the table off good. Puts all the ingredients where they belong. Abby then takes off her gloves and googles. She then waits to see what they are suppose to do next.