Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Yeah, you know, tying the knot and such. Once the wedding ring is on the finger and the vows have been said, no more flirting, no more eyeing other guys, no more serey crushes or anything of the sort. From that point on, it'll be Cale, Cale, Cale for me," Anna said, saying all that with a smile on her face. As far as she was concerned, even though she was sort of overly flirty now, once she was Mrs. Newell, all that would definitely stop. She was more than happy to tie herself down to Cale forever and ever. She wrinkled her eyebrows and eyed Evee suspiciously when the girl encouraged her to live it up, go crazy, and kiss a lot of boys. "A lot of boys? You mean, someone besides Cale? Evee, I don't know...he's my fiance," Anna said, glancing down at the ground. "He'd be so hurt and all. What kind of game are you talking about, though?"
"A bet?" Anna questioned, looking up at Lyra with the same confused look she gave Evee. She had this weird feeling that she was about to be talked into doing something Cale would surely not approve of. Being tied down was a bit permanent...well, completely permanent, so doing something wild and crazy might not be so bad after all. "Sooo, what were you two thinking? Or should I be afraid to ask?" Anna half-joked, her voice cracking a little. It was unlikely she'd back down from any bet. A Greingoth never backed down...unless it was somthing completely brainless. Lyra and Evee wouldn't challenge her to something that crazy, though, would they? No, no, definitely not. "So, yeah...what's the plan?"
Originally Posted by
Colley ♥
Evolette liked the way this blonde girl thought, which was a nice change from blonde people who didnt think. "Yesss." she started, smirking as she looked at Anna and then Lyra. "A friendly bet. Sayyy.... who can kiss the most boys?" she asked, stroking her chin as she thought.
"Nooooo." she added quickly, "One boy from each house." she amended quickly. "You against me." Oyeh, this would be FUN.
"What do you think, Lyra?" she asked.
Should Banana be scared? Of course! It was herself, Lyra, and a Slytherin. There could not be anything worse...well there could be but yeah!
A smirky look appeared on Lyra's face as she watched Anna for a moment and then Evee came up with the most brilliant, the most wonderful bet! She loved it! There couldn't be anything better!
"What do I think?" She thought for a moment, trying to come up with the best way to put this. "I believe that...I would win hands down so on this round, I should be the judge. You know, the one who keeps score!" It was true! She would win hands down in her book as she knew quite a few off the top of her head.
And it was a good thing she was sitting this one out because Merline knew she would be in trouble by Christian and that would be the last thing she ever wanted. Yeah! That was about it! That's what she thought!