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rubindo Aaron just stood there smiling opened mouthed. Wait a minute...
"Actually, you CAN put your underwear on wrong." Whenever Aaron hears something that isn't right, he doesn't hear the rest of what the person says. Hang on...
"Yes it is!!! You need sand to build a SAND castle!!! Where do you think the castle comes from? Magically out of... Wait, never mind." They were Wizards, for all he knew, you could. But because Iris said something wrong, Aaron heard none of the rest. But by Iris' facial expression, Aaron had to think of something to say. But instead he bent down, took his stick, and not 10 seconds later did the bottom of his pile of sand look EXACTLY like the bottom of Hogwarts.
"Tah dah!!!" Aaron said. It was pretty amazing, and he didn't even do the detailing yet. Iris' sand castle had some basic shape, but that one little section was curved and squared EXACTLY like Hogwarts. He put on a half smile, "Want to judge my work now?"
"well that must be male thing too, because I've never put my underwear on wrong, its not exactly rocket science you know!" she said laughing, from the speed of Aaron's retort, she was guessing that he'd had more than his fair shair of putting underwear on wrong!
"out of thin air?" she asked laughing at his dumb reply,
"if we were a few years onder, then we probably could!" fool she thought.
Iris looked at him then to his castle,
"thought you said good castles take time to build? That, my friend, was barely 10 seconds." she said, more cockily than the last time. She too focused back on to her castle, and quickly rebuilt the damaged side of her castle. about 10 minutes later, it looked just as it did before Aaron fell on it.
Now, Girly of Grudgy? she thought, looking at Aaron to see how much of his castle he had done.