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"I am never alone, so have a seat and I'll try to answer every single question I can as fast as I can," Vindictus grinned and his eyes rested on the five students who had invaded his office. He even motioned to the other Ravenclaw who was hovering by his door with a pad of paper in her hands. Then he looked at the Slytherin girl who was sitting uncharacteristically quiet before him. "So Paris, is there anything else you need to ask regarding Quidditch?"
Great - he's never alone... Rachel looked down at her hands as she debated on what to do - on one hand, she could just ask him in front of all these people and hope that it really WAS something people usually did or on the other hand, she could thank Professor Vindictus for his kindness and FLEE the place as quickly as her legs could carry her.
Stay and hope for the best or leave and have this whole experience repeat itself? Since as much as she hated to admit it, the fifth year KNEW that she needed this advice and therefore she was sure that -after a very long time- she would eventually find herself back in this office, and be in the exact same situation? Although maybe next time she could make sure that Willow wasn't there, since she kind of liked the girl and didn't really want to be humiliated in front of her... Actually, she could just plan a time when NO ONE from Ravenclaw would be here and THEN she could ask for advice.
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So Rachel ALSO wanted advice. And in private. Huh. Well, at least Willow WAS sure that that whatever it was that Rachel was going to ask was completely different from what Willow had in mind. Rachel looked like the type of girl who knew what she wanted to do with her life - not that Willow didn't, but her plans were a bit . . . she didn't know how to describe them. Hopefully Vindictus woud know.
But first with Arithmancy.
Ignoring the fact that Greenwood had been there first and talking to Vindictus first -if she ws asking for advice, too, shouldn't she go to Forrester, the head of the Slytherins? Hmph- the sixth year started, "Well, professor Vindictus, I was wondering if you could tell me your exact birthdate and your full name," Was Vindictus the type who didn't like sharing his age? He couldn't be that old, could he? "It's for my Arithmancy homework." Truth. No point in lying. Besides, he probably knew that already, right? Perhaps Professor Shackleton had warned the entire staff, telling them that students would be knocking the door of their offices asking their birthdates and complete names, right?
Ah, whataver. It didn't really matter, and hopefully Max would help.
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"January 18, 2018," he called out and managed to point at one of his many awards decorating the wall behind his desk. "The full name is Maximus Orion Vindictus. Is there anything else that my fair cousin wishes to know for your Arithmancy homework?"
Rachel's eyes widened as listened to Willow as their Head of House for his full name and date of birth.
Oh bugger! I thought I had finished all my homework - I can't believe I forgot Arithmancy! Swiftly, she reached into her bag and pulled out an old, slightly broken quill, a pot of ink and a small piece of parchment.
Maximus Orion Vindictus... January 18, 2018... she scribbled quickly, then blew on it as she put her quill and ink back in the bag.
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"You are as old as my father, sir," mused Willow distractedly, writing down on her Arithmancy journal all the things he'd provided her. "But you are just a couple of months older." Hmmm. Her father's birthday was in March, right? Right. Now, if she could only remember the exact date . . .
. . . She was a bad daughter. "And no, I believe that's it, professor." Answered Willow, after checking her notes. Birthdate, complete name. "And I sort need some advice, too, sir." This was the part Willow had been avoiding, because, if she were being honest, it embarrassed her a little for some reason. Especially since there were other people inside the room. "You know, as in, career advice?" Which, she should have done the previous term before taking her OWLs, but nevermind that; the career she wanted wasn't exactly something you could learn in a book.
Finally realising the ink was dry, she folded the piece of parchment untidily and stuffed it nervously into her pocket, still unable to believe that she had FORGOTTEN about a piece of homework!
It must have been those stupid Hufflepuff girls down by the lake... If I don't get an 'O' at the end of this term, I'm blaming them!!
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she settled for leaning against the wall and waiting until the room wasn't as crowded. Sure, Professor Vindictus had said that he was NEVER alone, but maybe he had times when the office wasn't this full. Fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, she listened to the multiple conversations that Vindictus was having and widened her eyes to their maximum as she caught on to what Willow was asking Vindictus.
So it IS alright?! Asking for career advice - it's NORMAL?! YAY!! Rachel could hardly contain her relief as she listened to the Captain talk about her future with Professor Vindictus, unable to keep a smile off her face.
Aww cool - Willow wants to be a journalist! The fifth year thought that the image fit the Ravenclaw Captain perfectly - that it, if one was prepared to overlook the fact that it would be a HUGE waste of potential in terms of Quidditch.
But, Willow's a Ravenclaw and she's smart... Keeping her options open is always a smart thing to do.
She opened her mouth to ask for advice herself when Vindictus suddenly shouted at the first year and she abruptly shut it. He's not old? Yeah, he wasn't Kazimeriz's age, but he was older than the students. Plus, wouldn't it make sense for a first year to think he's old - after all, the first years are eleven and twelve years old... Not exactly the best judges of age.
After making sure that he was calm enough to speak without pouncing, Rachel quickly slipped into the seat Willow had just vacated.
"Professor, I was wondering if maybe you could also offer me some career advice?" she asked, still slightly apprehensive even though she had just seen someone ask for advice too.
But at least Willow knew what she liked... I have absolutely NO idea what I want to do with my life! She cracked a grin as Jake's voice suddenly filled her head - 'See? It's not always good to be perfect at everything!'