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Hogwarts RPG Name: isabella Macmillan Sixth Year | Classes,Books,Friends And Guys...
The next day the girls got up and got themselves dressed and were in the common room when Ginny walked in through the portrait hole
“there you are,” she said
“I came back yesterday to see the entire common room empty,” she said
“sorry Ginny, we both were very tired so we went to the dorm,” said Fiona
“nah…don’t matter. So, had a good sleep,” she asked lightly but Sara could see concern in her eyes and she just nodded.
“ok lets get going I am hungry,” said Ginny and she pulled the other two girls along to the Great Hall.
They walked in to the hall and sat down in their places but Sara and Ginny sat together this time while Fiona sat beside Derek, “morning Rek,” chimed Fiona
“morning Fio,” he said gulping down his toast. Professor Slughorn was distributing the time table to all the students in the Hall.
“lets see how our time table is,” said Derek as Slughorn handed them their timetables.
“hmm…first is Transfiguration with Ravenclaws, Herbology with Hufflepuffs, double Care Of Magical Creatures with…with Slytherin!”
“that is all I wanted in the beginning of the week,” he said in an exasperated tone and he stuffed his time table without giving it another glance. All four of them walked into the Transfiguration class and saw that Luna was already sitting and dreaming about Merlin knows what!
“hey, morning Luna,”
“morning Ginny,” and she gave a quick wave to Fiona and Derek who went and sat in the next row beside Ginny and Luna. Sara sat behind Ginny and the seat next to her was empty. Students started pooling in the class. There was still some time till Professor McGonagall arrived when a burly looking, brown haired guy with light brown eyes came and stood where Sara was sitting.
“Sara right?” he asked and Sara snapped up from her book and Ginny, Luna, Derek and Fiona turned back.
“yes,” said Sara surprised by the way her name sounded in this stranger’s voice.
“Hi I am Roger Bradley. Do you mind if I sit here,” he said indicating the seat next to her
“um no, that’s fine,” she said looking at Ginny and Luna her eyes asking who the hell is this guy as he sat down. But before they could speak Professor McGonagall entered the class and the class began. The class started with professor McGonagall talking about the importance of NEWTs this year and how it will affect their careers. Then later the students started taking down notes. Derek and Fiona were whispering to each other. It looked like they were having another argument. Time rolled on and the class got over. It was a very nice experience for Sara to come back and attend a lecture. She had missed so much as she left the school half way. “Though even my school must have had hard times last year at least the students would have got chance to continue their studies unlike me,” she thought. As she got up and picked her books and put them inside when Roger helped her, “here,” he said handing Sara her ink bottle
“thanks,” she murmured and walked quickly with Luna. Luna had Charms next so she left on the third landing while the Gryffindors walked on the ground towards the green houses for their Herbology lecture. Professor Sprout was waiting for the students in green house number 7. As they entered Sara saw Roger once again and he looked at her and smiled a dazzling smile and she just turned away
“**** I shouldn’t have done that, that was rude,” she thought later and frowned
“hey Sara you alright?” asked Ginny in her ear as Sprout had already started of with her lecture
“yeah, don’t worry. Just something silly,” she whispered back and got down to drawing the diagram which Sprout was drawing on the board. Time flew off and Herbology ended and then came in Potions with Slytherin. Ginny, Sara walked down to the dungeons for their potion class. Derek had Care of Magical creatures with the Slytherins who had taken that subject and had dropped off Potions. As they were walking Yaxely came from behind and pushed his way through Sara
“hey watch out you moron,” called Ginny but that didn’t effect Yaxely and he went in.
Ginny was fuming when she entered the class but she had no way of giving vent to her fumes because Professor Horace Slughorn was already there and she had to calm down. Professor too started off with importance of NEWTs and talked about it almost half an hour as he had still one and a half hour left to start a new topic. Slughorn wanted them to brew hair raising potion which was a 2nd year syllabus. As NEWTs included the syllabus ranging from that of the 1st years to the last years the students had to go through all the things that they learned. Ginny and Sara were together and started on with their hair raising potion. After complete one and half hour’s hard work the girls came out of the dungeons coughing as Yaxley’s potion had gone horribly wrong and it started to smoke.
They coughed until they reached the Hall, “bloody Yaxley,” muttered Ginny under her breath as she sat down opposite Derek and Fiona.
“what happened?” asked Fiona
“it looked like he did smoke raising potion rather then hair raising one,” said Ginny bitterly and drank a goblet full of water.
“he messed up with some important ingredient,” said Sara as she served herself some vegetable. Derek and Fiona talked about their Ancient Runes and Care of Magical creature’s classes respectively.
“hey Sara can you just pass me the tart,” asked Ginny as she was at her final course of meal.
“yeah,” as she bent to take the plate but someone took it and handed right in front of her. she looked up and saw a pair of light brown eyes staring down at her and smiling down, “er…thank you Roger,” she said took the plate and handed it to Ginny and went back to drinking some pumpkin juice
“good you remember my name,” he said as he sat opposite her beside Fiona who was startled and Sara got back to draining her goblet.
“what’s next in our time table,” asked Ginny as she dug in the tart.
“Charms with Hufflepuff again,” said Sara
“good lets get going,” she said and glared at Roger
“mind if I walk with you Sara?” he asked as they all got up to leave
“well Roger actually I am walking with her to the Charms so why don’t you ask some other girl,” said Derek and took Sara’s hand and walked her through the Great Hall with everyone staring at them.
“Derek what the hell do you think you are doing?” said Sara almost screaming when they reached outside the Great Hall.
“calm down Sara. I was just helping you with that Roger guy. He was out right flirting with you,” he said trying to calm her down
“so what? I have eyes I can see, I have mouth I can speak. I was anyways going to turn him down,” she said still angry by the way he pulled her in front of the entire school
“but you see I made it even more easier for you,” he said and Ginny and Fiona came from behind as they were heading to Charms.
“Derek that was impressive,” said Ginny smiling
“Ginny…” said Sara
“that was embarrassing,” she continued and Fiona nodded her head.
“anyways lets get going,” said Fiona walking in front and Ginny walked with her and she turned back at the other two and said, “I better go with her or else it wont look like you and Derek are walking together” and Derek just rolled his eyes and Sara went deep red.
Charms class was no different then the other classes. That too started with importance of NEWTs and ended with a small homework. The classes went on till 4 in the evening. The students went back to their tower. Ginny came to the Gryffindor tower later. Sara and Fiona quickly went and changed themselves in normal muggle clothes for their comfort.
“so what do you want to do,” asked Ginny
“um…I think I would like to go around the school once more just to know what is where,” said Sara
“okey dokey,” said Ginny
“Fiona and Derek coming,” asked Ginny
“no Ginny you carry on I have lot of Ancient Runes to do,” said Fiona
“I am busy with chess here,” called out Derek, where he and Jimmy had started their wizard chess.
“ok then see you after some time,” said Ginny and waved them off. As they walked out of portrait hole Ginny found Roger standing beside the door with his back against the wall. Sara had not seen him there
“hey Sara, got to hear that you are going on a bit of school tour, can I help you,” he said coming and standing in front of her. Though Roger was a year younger to Sara like Ginny, his height was like that of a 18-19 year old guy with a pretty much of burly athletic built. He stood in front of her towering and she somewhat didn’t like that.
“um no thanks Roger, I have Ginny to help me. I am fine,” she said
“but I presume that our head girl already has her hands full with duties and responsibilities,” he said looking at Ginny
“no, don’t worry Rog I am free right now so I am willingly taking her for a tour, don’t trouble yourself,” she said and with a small smirk and climbed down the stairs along with Sara.
“jerk,” said Ginny as she looked from above her shoulder and saw him still standing there and smiling to himself. Ginny took Sara around the entire castle. They covered almost all the landings when it was evening.
“we will go out tomorrow to the quidditch ground, the lake and if possible Hagrid’s hut,” said Ginny as they climbed in the portrait hole. Sara went to her dorm and got her school bag and started taking out her parchment to write a letter to Madam Rosmerta: Dear Rosmerta,
How are you doing? I am doing fine here. This place is so beautiful. Ginny took me around the castle after the classes were over today. Tomorrow we might go to the lake and might pay a visit to Hagrid. How’s Three Broomsticks and its customers. I am missing being there. I hope you aren’t having a lot of trouble. I just wanted to thank you for being so adamant on sending me here. You were right I am really liking this place.
I don’t know when the Hogsmeade trip will come up. But I will surely come and visit you and help you a bit over the counter. Miss you.
She folded the letter and safely tucked it in the front pocket of her school bag as she decided to do the first thing next day morning as Ginny’s owl Pig was not around while Fiona’s owl was used by their other room mate and Derek’s was in the owlery.
The dinner time was a similar affair. The students dug in their dinner and chatted up with their friends. Fortunately for Sara, Roger didn’t come up to her again and she was glad about it.
have a nice day...:-)
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:23 AM.
Reason: Some Changes Made