Okay! So mentally, she was thinking what a cute little Ravie he was and polite in his ways. "I..err...noticed you hanging back a bit," she said as it was obvious to the ones who were scared of heights. "Don't worry. We are not that high at all. Small cliff. Biggggg water." So like if the Huffies roomed with the Ravies, she would know another Ravie!
"See," she said as she turned to look at Banana. "Mr. Masterson is cool like that." Like...if he wasn't she would never talk to him again, not that it would matter anyway, she didn't talk to the man that much! But his ways in Bunbunz class....PRICELESS!
Speaking of Mr. Masterson, did he really speak squid? "What language is that? Squidian? Where do you learn...that?" Speak one with the animals. Know the animals!
"Can we call him Bart? Or how about...Mew?
"Elizabeth...Rob..." She paused in her joy to frown at Robert. "Where have you been? I'm...sad I have not seen you around." She was playing of course and then she went back to the other Ravie. "How are you, Liz?" Shorten the name, give a nickname...always fun!