Originally Posted by
Monkey Princess
Stepping back from the small cliff, which looked a lot higher to him due to his lame fear of heights
, William smiled at Lyra "Nice to meet you too." He replied, a hint of unnerve in his voice now that the weight of the encounter was hitting him. Stepping up a bit close to Lyra he put his hands behind his back, waiting for any ripples in the water. He didn't want ot be near the small cliff when that squid came up. opening a chocolate frog he got from his pocket he popped it into his mouth and chewed. Okay! So mentally, she was thinking what a cute little Ravie he was and polite in his ways. "I..err...noticed you hanging back a bit," she said as it was obvious to the ones who were scared of heights. "Don't worry. We are not that high at all. Small cliff. Biggggg water." So like if the Huffies roomed with the Ravies, she would know another Ravie!
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Lyra," Anna half-whispered, watching as her friend took it upon herself to grab a fish and toss it into the water below. Hopefully Mister Masterson wouldn't get upset with her for taking one of his fish. He seemed to be an easygoing man, though, so it was probably all good. Nevertheless, Anna didn't dare touch a fish without asking first. Throwing fish for that squid did look rather fun, though. Reluctantly, Anna glanced up at the groundskeeper. "Mister Master, may I throw a fish in, as well?" she asked.
She didn't need to wait for an answer, though, because no sooner had the question left her mouth, the groundskeeper was giving the group his approval. Reaching down and picking up a fish, Anna walked a tiny bit closer to the cliff and glanced down. She watched the water a bit, then chunked her fish high into the air. She watched as it sailed down, then splashed into the water. Well, that was...fun.
She listened as Lyra questioned Mister Masterson's need for the squid's assistance. "Yeah, what for...if you don't mind us asking, that is. Do you think he might be able to give you some answers about the flooding school?" she asked. She hadn't thought about the giant squid when it came to figuring out the whole flood ordeal. Was he involved? Did he have any answers?
"See," she said as she turned to look at Banana. "Mr. Masterson is cool like that." Like...if he wasn't she would never talk to him again, not that it would matter anyway, she didn't talk to the man that much! But his ways in Bunbunz class....PRICELESS!
Originally Posted by
"All I want him for is to ask him for a little help. I need him to check something, that's all." Constantine folded his arms across his chest as he watched the kids, one by one, throw the fish into the lake. Bartholomew was close, he just knew he was.
He turned his head a little and blinked at the prefect boy. "Uhm...no. We're going to speak squid. I'm fluent in that language," he shook his head lightly and looked back at the water. "Obviously I wouldn't be trying to attract it if it didn't speak english."
He turned his head a little more and replied with a sigh, "that's nice."
Speaking of Mr. Masterson, did he really speak squid? "What language is that? Squidian? Where do you learn...that?" Speak one with the animals. Know the animals!
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Ahh, I see," Anna simply replied, then bent down to retrieve another fish. Where was this thing...and why wasn't it hungry? If she were a squid and were being fed a seemingly endless supply of fish, she'd definitely come up and enjoy the feast, for sure. Once again, she tossed the fish high into the air and watched as it splashed into the water below. She leaned over a little more and searched the water for any sign of the squid below. "Yo, Bartholemew!" she called out, then stood up straight and gave the groundskeeper a joking look. On that note, she picked up another fish and sent it, too, sailing over the cliff.
"Can we call him Bart? Or how about...Mew?
"Elizabeth...Rob..." She paused in her joy to frown at Robert. "Where have you been? I'm...sad I have not seen you around." She was playing of course and then she went back to the other Ravie. "How are you, Liz?" Shorten the name, give a nickname...always fun!