Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
Reese looked at Anna when she patted her on the back. She took one last look at the place where Chris was at a little bit ago, then she started walking down the corridor with Anna. Her face brightened up when Anna said Jake was fine. "Okay, that's good," she said, you can even tell the relief in her voice to know her stepbrother was okay. "It's also good they got the house elves out, too." So, everyone got out safely. That was REALLY good to hear! But, that flood was still rising. Will it ever stop?
She listened to Anna say that we had this built in radar that helps us know what to do around a guy. She smiled slightly and nodded at Anna. "Okay, so, I just do what the radar tells me to do? Is that what your saying," she asked. She knew she had a conscience, but she never knew she also had a radar. That was so cool. Oh, yeah. Anna's advice was the best. "Okaaaaay, I can do that. Just be myself and talk with him as much as possible," she told her. "That sounds easy enough." Anna wanted to know his name? She should have known that. Since Anna had given her advice, the best she could do is tell her the name of the guy she liked. "It's Jack Fritzera," she answered.
Anna stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at Reese was a thoroughly disgusted look. Had she been drinking a nice glass of pumpkin juice right now, this would have been the point in the conversation where she'd have spewed it all out of her mouth in pure shock. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Anna said, blinking her eyes a few times to make sure she was truly focused on the conversation. This was one topic she wanted to be completely at her wits for. "Reese...? Jack Fritzera? I mean, are you sure?" Anna wrinkled her eyebrows at Reese, thoroughly confused as to how a nice, pretty girl like Reese could fall for the geek-next-door.
"I mean, don't get me wrong...," she continued, "but I just always sort of expected you to fall for a slightly different type of guy."
You know, one more socially active and less likely to marry a constellation. She didn't say that last part out loud, though. She didn't want to upset Reese too much. Come to think of it, though, she wasn't being very nice to Reese---or Jack---at the moment. "Awww, I'm sorry, Reese. You came to me for advice, and I'm being rather rude. Jack's a nice kid," she said. "He even came to me for advice on a certain girl a few days ago. He didn't say who she was, though." Ah ha! So Reese and Jack liked one another. How...cute! This would be an interesting little relationship to watch blossom.