Funny Beauty
Herminny walked into the Observatory for a lab,wow, this was certainly different. She looked on the board and saw the instructions and supply list and a table full of supplies. Herminny swiftly picked up her supplies and brought them to a table. Herminny then proceeded to get to work:
1: Herminny cut open one garbage bag and used it to aline her mixing bowl
2: Herminny looked on the board then followd the instruction and placed the water from the two cups in the mixing bowl
3: Herminny looked on the board and added the sand from her supplies and stirred it well as specified.
4: Herminny l added just a dash of amonia as specified in the instructions
5: Herminny looked on the board then added a dash of organic material as stated to the mixture starting to wonder what was she trying to make.
Herminny put the gloves on as specified on the board becase she did'nt want to get burned by the dry ice and certainly did'nt want detention
6: Herminny then did the instruction of placing the dry ice in the three garbage bags placed together as it was wrtitten
7: Herminny then looked on the board and then picked up the hammer and started pounding the dry ice till it was crushed.
8&9: Herminny then added the dry ice to the mix and stirred vigorously till it was mixed to her liking and almost completely frozen
10: Herminny then saw the instructions said to do a little art of of shaping the mixture into a comet and smiled as she did so.
11: As soon as the mixture dryed she placed her comet on the paper as specified
The instructions did not state she could leave when she was done so she sat and waited watching her classmates do the lab.